Shuga's ipod

Tuesday 15 May 2012

A NEW ERA-the birth of Koosh-Ty by Shuga accessories

So on September 10th 2011 i sat down to review my life and realized i was doing well but i wanted more for didn't feel like i was reaching my full potentials.

That's when it hit me, my heritage had already given me an upper hand in life and i had not taken not of it. i was then more than ever determined to take full advantage of my culture ......down know what i'm talking about yet? OK then check this out

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BABY! It hit me hard.....PRINTS PRINTS PRINT-that was my calling....and i was glad that yet again I had found that spot on the bed of life :)

NOW what to do with these PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS?

How about....

I had two options, it was either I GO HARD or I GO HOME.......well then what do you think i did?


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