Shuga's ipod

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Shuga Apparel-Koosh-Ty by Shuga's birth mother

You know how when you get on the bed to take a good long rest that will do you a great deal of good, you first try so many positions before you then find the perfect spot? yeah well that's what 'Shuga Apparel was a trial position before I then found the perfect spot (being Koosh-Ty by Shuga)
started in 2009
Here is what Shuga Apparel was all about.
At first I tried my hand with customizing a plain white was coming along great until I got just wasn't me :(


Then i tried my hand @ sewing my first ever complete garment inspired by the London underground tube map this was after a 2 year fashion course though *smiles* I had found my perfect position on the bed of life.

Then the fashion shows started after creating my first ever collection

Here we have my first ever collection titled: Thy Goddess :)
college fashion show/first fashion show(oh how excited i was)

Comic Goddess

Spirit Goddess

Warrior Goddess

3 Piece collection designed, cut and made by yours truly.

And that's all I have to say about that!

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